Yes, that's the way of mass commerce, processed generic food for thought, packaged in accessible inoffensive pre-tested pre-approved flavors, filling but not satisfying.

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Said better than the rest of my piece!

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It's Walmart's Great Value brand here in the States. Think of a supermarket item or foodstuff and I guarantee you they've spoofed it and chopped off half the price.

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Exactly. We've got a few actually from different Supermarkets, but I found the 'Tesco Value' one funniest. Some of the spoofs are funny too: there's lots of 'tesco value t-shirts' and other merch.

Tesco actually launched an official 'tesco value christmas card' last year.

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I know it’s a republish, but still a hugely important point. The problem just keeps getting worse. Encouraged that sane voice like yours are our here.

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It's why I republished! I don't know why I'd taken it down in the first place, but yes, it's important and still not enough people are talking about it.

More importantly though, MORE people are talking about it. Especially on Twitter. I think people are beginning to get sick of this transparant 'value-adding' game.

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Having little to no exposure to a lot of the celebs and topics you talk about, it's so interesting to read your takes on it all and be glad I'm not in that sphere ha. Also, great connection between "value" and tesco "value" - genius connection and telling

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I only republished because I noticed I’d accidentally taken it down some time ago. I wrote this quite a while ago, and I’m not really into talking about this so much anymore. I’m working on a few fiction pieces at the moment

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Gonna skip all the iGuru stuff and stick with Tesco:

what I want is a supermarket that has all the generic brand stuff and NOTHING ELSE. Like my idea supermarket would be out of Repo Man:


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In the UK we have Lidl and Aldi which is a little bit like that. They have some brands, but not many, and they're always overpriced.

Then at Costco (again, in the UK), they only stock ONE brand, what they consider to the best brand. Ketchup? Just Heinz. Tape? Just Scotch.

I don't know which idea I prefer.

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